🇬🇧🇺🇸About & Disclamer

🇩🇪🇨🇭About & Disclamer

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🇬🇧🇺🇸About & Disclamer

My first blog

The plan is to write my blog in English and German. English isn’t my native language so you'll find misspellings for sure and in german I’m having the disadvantage of dyslexia.


Due to time, I will focus on the German Posts. It takes me 3-5 Hours intensive work per Post. Currently I don’t have the resources, strength and energy to translate it to the quality I like.

I won't use my real name to have a tiny chance to be anonymous, but people who know me will identify me easily.


I decided to use now my real name, to fight stigmatism

When I write about the education (EX-IN; Peer) I will only speak about my own experiences, as one rule of the corse is that what is shared within the group stays there.

Born 1980 in West Germany 🇩🇪 moved to Switzerland 🇨🇭 in 1989
Done my school time here and later began my education as a chef also in Switzerland. I moved up in my career pretty fast. At age 21 I was teaching in a prestige Hotel school.

At age 25 Job-Hunter contacted me and asked how good my English was. I answered that I was able to order a beer.

2 weeks later I left a plane, smelled salted and petrol perfumed air and was in Ghana 🇬🇭, Africa.

I was a kitchen manager, responsible for 120 staff. Only 6 month later I was asked to take over the even bigger unit in Nigeria 🇳🇬.
With only 26 I was responsible for 350 staff and 3500-5000 meals a day.
I got not seriously sick, but was at a good doctor. The nurse that took care of me was nice. Looking like a younger sister of Halle Berry and I fell in love.
Three weeks later I asked her to marry me. Seven weeks later I was a married men. Nigeria was a terrible country. I have seen too many Dead bodies over there. Some of them where burned, others left on the street and eaten by vultures. Home at my villa I wasn’t save either. Twice burgers tried to enter whilst I was at. As a short summary I have got several traumatic memories, which still hunts me today.
We had problems to get the visa for Germany or Switzerland. England however welcomed us.
All the money I saved, I invested in my wife, to got her Documents validated in the UK. During the first three years in the UK we got 2 children. I took care of them, whilst my wife started to work as a nurse.
I love being a dad. I completely change my career and hanged my kitchen uniform once and for all on a nail. I started working in HR of a big Londoner Hospital. I was part of a team, that's checked each personal, if they had a valid criminal background check done.
It was a nightmare over 5000 records needed to be checked. A law was passed, that required hospitals to do so. I think it took us four months to complete our task. There was no need for me any more. But the head of the human resources department asked me if I could imagine working in quality management. I said yes and a few days later I stopped at a department called clinical governance. A part off QM. They where around five months behind, with digitalizing there cases.
It wasn't easy for me up first. I needed to learn I lot of words and abbreviations of the medical world.
A former Headchef trying to find out if a professional where doing their job correctly and helped the patient rather then killing them. I asked a lot of questions. My boss liked specially that about me. She said, that I'm asking questions that no trained person would asked. Why is these done in that way. Manny items i got the answer because we always did it so. When I further asked if it wasn't better if they changed their praxis to avoid a mistake that was often happening, i looked in very big eyes and got a, yes thats actually a good idea.
I worked nearly 3 years in that department and i really liked it also got 4 times promoted.

I even had my proudest moment of my working life. I noted that we received a lot of patients from a nursing home with pressure ulcers grade 3-4 (4 is the highest grading). I became a pressure ulcer specialist, we had sadly many cases of those, most of them admitted with, but also some cases where our hospital was responsible.
Our computer system was made to figure out if we had increases of hospital acquired pressure ulcers. Usually when a patient arrived at our hospital it was one of the points that where assessed, specially to prove that this ulcer wasn't acquired at our hospital - so we weren't responsible if a next of kin trying to sue the hospital.
Our database system was very old school. Nurses and doctors filled out a 4 pages long report. They landed on my desk and I needed to figure out if the QM department needed to take further steps.
In cases of admitted patients with ulcers the work for me was little and fast. Within few minutes the important stuff from the form was anonymized, hacked into the database and the case was closed. I noticed a few admission from the same address. I started wondering and to start an investigation. Our database wasn't made to help me. Luckily I took a course at the London university in database design and SQL. With the help of the IT department i wrote some filters. To shorten the story, with my investigations, the social services closed that nursing home. I improved the live quality of 142 persons. They don't know me but I am proud that i was able to help them just with not closing my eyes and some initiative.

Meanwhile my marriage went south. I was mistreated, still having a few traumata's from that time.
I escaped her and London and went back after 8 years in Africa and UK to my mom and Switzerland.

After 3 years virtually strapped to my bed due to a conical depression I decided to get help.
I was over 7 month stationary in a mental health clinic. During that time I tried to commit suicide.
I entered a relatively new therapy called CBASP
It is the foundation to my new life. The wish to work in the clinic was also coming from the time I spent on the CBASP station.

And today I started the education as a EX-IN Peer. I like to help other mental patients to find hope and to cope with the handicap of their illnesses.

A very satisfying feeling to help other people.


I’m not a doctor, shrink, or scientist. I’m not claiming that my thought are correct or the stuff i’m posting. I can’t concealing you. These blog is handled only by me.

My advise, if you having mental issues please seek help by your closest Professional. And yes depression can be healed. You are not alone.

Bis die Tage -  Freunde der Nacht

Best regards, Dirk P. Flörchinger


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