🇬🇧🇺🇸Management Summary Modul 0 (22 March 2017)

Our first get together meeting with all 20 classmates and the 2 Instructors.

Only 23 hours before the course started I was informed, that someone was canceled his seat in the education. My instructor asked me if I where flexible and willing to fill the seat.
I accepted without hesitation. I was fighting nearly 6 month to be a part of the top 20.
Currently there are only 2 places, where the education is available. One in the capital City Bern and the one I am visiting in St. Urban.
St. Urban is formerly barock monastery far away from „civilization“ and is used today as a mental health clinic.

The course is lasting 16 month. When the course is held on place, then the other is resting. So in 2 Years there are max 20 finished educated Peers. Very few for the whole of Switzerland. And now I think you can imagine how difficult it is to become a member of the top 20. It is a real privilege to be one of them.

On this first day we where concentrating mainly on games to learn each other names.
Also some sociographic questions. One that stood out was that more than half of us where living more than 3 month in a foreign country. From the rest many had vacations end visits just short of 3 month.
The spirit of openminded people that traveled the world is strong in this group.

We also worked on questions like what are my goals for this time.
What are we afraid of. How we wanna be handled when we are in a crisis.

My Goal aside from finishing the course is to create a cookbook and a cooking training for depressed persons. It is a huge project and I hope to be able to finish it within that time frame.
As a Peer, after the course I like to train Patients in the clinic to cook in a fashion, so that they are able to reduce their antidepresive medication or even stop, as I have.

So thats it for this brief summary of the Modul 0

Take care night owls
Best regards, Dirk P. Flörchinger

Link 🇬🇧🇺🇸Management Summary Modul 1 (25-27 April 2017)


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