🇬🇧🇺🇸Management Summary Modul 2 (22-24 May 2017)
Experiences & Participation
Video TV2 Danmark
Destroying the hamster wheel and take over the steering wheel
Harrie van Haaster, EX-IN – Curriculum 2007 (Quote freely translated from german by me)
People who have mental problems,
Develop wisdom, knowledge through their experiences
And insight, to survive…
A Chinese proverb states:
Tell me, I’ll forget
Show me, I’ll remember
Involve me, I’ll understand
We worked in small groups, to explain all others what the diagnosis we received means to us. The diagnoses within the class are: addiction, borderline, psychosis, bi polar disorder and of course my own the chronic depression.
It was quite moving but also interesting to be informed how the diagnosis are being described from persons formally suffered from it.
I had a very nice experience on a break. One of my classmates came to me and told me, that she thought of me. I was falling into old thinking behaviors and thought, that now something bad would happen, or that I have done something wrong.
But she just gave me a pack of nice Jasmin Tea. We where drinking a similar one on the last module. She noticed, that this time no good tea was provided for us. So she bought some for us.
What a nice gesture.
Finding out, that people are willing to do something nice for me, even tho I am not wearing my mask was reveling. It is a new experience, but I like it. It is hard for me, I feel exposed without wearing my mask, that I was hiding for decades behind it.
After the course ended on the first day, a few of us where traveling to Bern. We went there to attend a lecture with the topic of psychosis.
It was a nice warm day, over 28°C (82°F). Feeling the nice warm wind whilst driving put me back in time. I had a positive flash-back.
When I was working in Ghana, I always traveled with open windows, as the AC was broken.
Ghana was the best time in my life so I enjoyed the memories.
I felt alive, and in a good mood. A state that I haven been in for so many years.
After the interesting lecture I went to the train station. It was more busy then usual. Many trains had massive delays, quite unusual for Switzerland.
When I got the answer to my question of what happen I felt a hard hit.
Someone committed suicide.
I thought of the person and the loved ones that he/she left behind. I remembered that only one year ago, I was laying on the trails. Luckily the police watched me on time and removed me from the danger. Today I am glad that it happened that way. I hope, that in the future I can bring hope to patients, so they see and believe, that there is a way to solve the current problems in their lives.
After 10 minutes of being moody I decided, that I couldn't change that situation. I increased the volume and „danced“ a bit until my train finally arrived.
Arrived at home I enjoyed a nice shower and a cold beer. A nice day ended well.
When I woke up the next day I felt exhausted. I had problems to make a decision of which of the socks I should put on first. 10 minutes wasting with that thought another option came to my mind. Do I have to put on my shoes first and then the socks.
You might laugh at this point. For me is that kind of difficulties an emergency sign of my body. It is signaling me, that I overused my energy reserves.
I luckily had suddenly another thought. A classmate is waiting on the train station. You can’t come late and disappoint him.
I sorted myself out and arrived just barely on time on the train station.
The segment on day 2 that stood out was an exercise of a 2 man team.
My mate and I where facing each other.
Then we where saying the same sentence one after the other.
The first one was: I am right
With my experiences in roleplaying I had no problem in acting dominant. My friend on the other side wasn’t believing himself, even tho we both said the same. He became obsequious.
We stoped this first try and exchanged our feelings.
Second one was: I am right, so you are wrong
After hearing the part „so you are wrong“ I crumbled. I even started to stammer. It hit me very hard on an emotional level.
My friend where holding my shoulder. We stopped this exercise after 3 runs or so. It was a terrible experience.
Third one was: I am right, and you are also wright
It felt very respectful.
The fourth and last one was: I am right, and you are also wright and I trust you
It felt very good to hear, but also to say this to a person I consider my friend.
It was an amazing exercise. Very moving and interesting. I am cherishing this experience.
River Aare
After the day was over I went to the biggest river in Switzerland that is passing by in the city I am living. I enjoyed the warmth of the sun, but mostly the calmness of the place. It was a good way in emptying my mind.
My night lasted only 4 hours. I was too exhausted to getting rest. Also a clear warning sign. I noticed the signs and made plans of resting after I finished the third and last day of the course.
The first thing we where doing was watching a short film.
It is called „The Interviewer“ it moved me and I love the acting. If you have a couple minutes watch it!
Then we learned the differences from inclusion and integration. Here a nice graphics. From top to bottom EXCLUSION, SEPARATION, INTEGRATION and INCLUSION

The last topic was a method to give feedback. It is called Reflecting Team. At this point my brain was already resting so I can't explain you how it is done. I just know. That we will work in future with this tool.
The third day was mainly for me a fight with myself to stay focused and concentrated. On several occasions I lost and felt like a vegetable.
My group handled me in an extraordinary way. If I wasn't able to help, no one became angry. I was just supported. Amazing my classmates. I feel so privileged to be a part of this group.
I know also that when we finished with this education, that we will be able to help many patients all over Switzerland.
Before I went home, I was going again to the river. I enjoyed my dinner and was just happy that the course was over, but also grateful for all the experiences and memories I collected.
After a hour or so 3 ladies that I know from my time in the clinic passed by. We spoke nearly 2 hours about my course, the time in the clinic and about trauma therapy.
The topic that is on my to do list right on top.
I came to a conclusion on the way how I like to progress concerning fighting the traumas from my past.
So thats it for my brief summary of 3 very intensive days. I’m looking forward for the next module called „Empowerment“
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