English text is further down
Heute ist ein besonderer Tag für mich und meinen Blog. Nach gut 4 Monaten, seitdem ich online bin, habe ich die erste grosse Schallmauer überwunden.

Ich möchte mich bei meinen Lesern bedanken! Das Feedback und die Kommentare, die ich bis jetzt bekommen habe, waren berührend, vor allem aber motivierend.
Ich investiere zwar viel Zeit in den Blog, aber ich ziehe auch viel Energie und Inspiration daraus - und dafür seid ihr verantwortlich.
Auch sehr spannend finde ich, dass die Zugriffe so international sind. Eine schöne Bestätigung, dass sich der Aufwand, diverse Posts auch in englischer Sprache anzubieten, lohnt.

Zum Schluss
Es geht weiter. Ich habe viel im Modul 3 Empowerment und am Praktikumstag erlebt. Es dauert aber sicher noch 2 Wochen oder etwas mehr, bis die Posts ready sind zur Publikation.
Bis die Tage - Freunde der Nacht
Best regards,
Dirk P. Flörchinger
Hi English Speakers
Today is a special day for the blog but more so for me. I broke through a wall.
The 1000 views has been registered today. I’m so happy and proud.
Only 4 month online and I reached a point so early that I didn’t expect so soon.
Only 4 month online and I reached a point so early that I didn’t expect so soon.
Thank you
I like to thank my audience. The feedback I received, specially from the English speaking community touched and motivated me.
A point that came through was that you would like to see more English posts.
Understandable but I really can’t currently. The Modules and other appointments taking a lot of energy and strength. And please be reminded, I’m on my own recovery way and far-far away of being healed or healthy.
I do what I can. As a little goody I write and post the Management Summary of the courses first in English. So the content for my English speaking followers is a couple days earlier online than my german.
A point that came through was that you would like to see more English posts.
Understandable but I really can’t currently. The Modules and other appointments taking a lot of energy and strength. And please be reminded, I’m on my own recovery way and far-far away of being healed or healthy.
I do what I can. As a little goody I write and post the Management Summary of the courses first in English. So the content for my English speaking followers is a couple days earlier online than my german.
I love hearing from you. It is cool to read a mail from Poland, Ukraine, Netherlands or the US for example.
It feels great that people in so many countries like what I am doing.
It is really rewarding.
Thank you for all comments so far and please don’t stop I love them!
It is really rewarding.
Thank you for all comments so far and please don’t stop I love them!
Here are the stats of my first 1000 views - cool
- Switzerland 641 Views
- USA 176 Views
- Germany 64 Views
- Portugal 33 Views
- France 32 Views
- Netherlands 15 Views
- Ukraine 10 Views
- Poland 6 Views
- Ireland 2 Views
- Moldova 2 Views
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