Heavy topic I know, but I think it is time to write it down. Tomorrow, starts my first internship and the chance that this stuff is surfacing is high. So I see this also as an excise to be prepared for tomorrow. Another reason why I am also got motivated to finally speak about this horrific experience is the story of Kevin Hines. I will link one, two videos about him after my own story further down I think… I like to pick one fact out of his own. He jumped from the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, the moment he was in freefall, he regretted his decision, but wasn't able of course to undo what he started. Something similar happened on my own try to end my life. After I started, I was also unable to stop it, even tho I regretted it. Before I am starting, I like to point out, if you are now having suicidal thought now, stop reading and ask for help. Your situation may seem hopeless, but, speaking from my own experience if you seek professional help, chance to get better is high. Here a few ...